Friday, September 18, 2009


It's sad how my family isn;t hosting an open house for this year. We've been having an open house for a few years straight and suddenly, NO OPEN HOUSE? Sigh.

Siapa yang nak datang beraya rumah saya, mintak tolong inform saya awal awal lah yea. I'm always asleep when my friends came by to 'beraya'. So, to avoid getting plain water and some junkies as kuih raya and an awful sleepy looking face in the afternoon, inform me a few days earlier! :)
DISCLAIMER: You won't get duit raya by raya-ing at my house. Thank you very much. :)

And hey, I can't wait for angpows from my aunts and uncs! Hah, Melaka, here I cooommee! :)