Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Son of a *

The furtherst right, my adik baru :P lol. She's my current fly-er. Comel kan ? HAHA ;D

I look fugly in the picture anyways. Ugh.

One more shitty paper left and 2nd Intervensi is OVER baby. Can't wait ! I really really really wanna meet up my friends especially Bean & Dino & Lynn ! Lindu lindu, wa lindu sama lu suma =)

How is my Intervensi so far..?

BM: So-so, hard but okay lah..
ENG: I wrote the essay malas-malas-ly. . . I could assure you I won't get A1 nor A2 =)
MATHS: Okay lah :D

CHEM: DOOMED WEIH ! 100% fail.
PI: Studied like hell but what came out mcm tutt...
ADDM: Tawakal lah weih.... Haha.

Wednesday (today)
EST: Normal. Haha.
HIST: H E L L . I crapped a lot on the essay part. Haha.
PHY: This is the best paper so far. We got 6 questions, all essay-format, choose 3, given time is 1hour and 15mins but we started late. So the results ? = SHITTYBULLSHITCRAPADINGDONG

Thursday (tomorrow)
BIO: Insyallah OKAY =)

Wish me luck people. (If there is anyone reading :P)

PS: Thank you, love :3


hypersyaza said...

i wish you good luck, yunie XD

best kan answer paper physic >w<

Yunie Meow said...

thank you Syaza :D haha seronok btl. feels like isi borang pendaftaran. LOL

Hilary Lim Mae Yan said...

bio? trust me. u won't fail. to result takkn baek mana.
so i'll saves my luck. just go DOOM. and remember to smile when u come out

Yunie Meow said...

the paper was OKAY LAH.. ahahha

Alya Natasha said...

haha, uglyyyy