Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spine tingling.

Favourite quote of the week;

"If Miss Noor pon dia boleh tido selambek jer, Puan Zuraimah tuh ape jerr"

HAHAHAHH I actually felt a bit HONOURED for sleeping during cikgu-garang-nak-mati-punya-class (:


Im supposed to be doing my MATHS homework (everyday got homework oso mah, thousands of thanks Miss Tengku, penat aku) but instead, Im lazying around, watching The Simpsons DVD that Shahzufar lent to me.

Just today, I had two tins of pure COKE and three tins of 100+. WTH man? My body's gonna stop functioning soon. & yeah, Ive been eating pisang goreng for the past 3 days non-stop..
... I wonder why ah?

Whatever. (in Sasyot's tone haha)

School's killing me. On second thought, not really, just cheer practice. FUCKING TIRING.

PS: Im not giving up. Just, put it to a halt (:

PPS: I miss Lola )):