Thursday, February 12, 2009

Got Milk?

You guys (referring to ; Loon, Retard and Wuffwuff ) know it so NO MORE MILK joke. Thaaank you.

I went to the clinic last night. Got something wrong with my ..
my.. .......
... ugh NVM.

The point is, before I was leaving the check room, the doctor asked.

Kamu stress sangat ke?

Another doctor asked me whether Im stressed or not. Am I?

HELL I AM. So fcked up!*


bna said...

i have no milk..
alergic kot..
jgnlah stress2..
kte pown stress tgk..

Faraah. said...

got milk? HAHAHA *lain mcm je bunyi* Got something wrong with your breast is it? wauahahha ;p

Yunie Meow said...

Bean: This is the 2nd doctor, asking me out of the bloo whether Im stressed or not. Itu pon dah mengSTRESSkn. hahah.

Faraah: yeahhh, frankly, something wrong with my breast. .........

bna said...

yah..ur breast is too big n lonjong..

Yunie Meow said...

ngok ! mana ada too big and lonjong. aaaa tak best crita dkat sini. nak jmpa kite bgtau ah hauhauhaua tension