Friday, February 6, 2009


Yeappp, I got gastric. Doctor said its because I have an eating disorder and because of STRESS.

Yes, stress.

Aku stress? Taktau lah. Nak stress ape?

grr grrr grrrrrrrrrrr* (stomach growling)

Gotta go. Have to eat, AGAIN. This is the 3rd time Im eating for today. Its only 1115am right now. Sigh.

P/S: I miss Judy ): && Hw is killing me!


Faraah. said...

get well soon yunie debab :[

Sya-shot said...

gastric? feel better. :)

Yunie Meow said...

Farah: thanks mokmok

Asianista *unknown person* : thank you. hahaha